tiny homes vacation rental
A typical ESCAPE Homes unit

ESCAPE Homes offers free units to US vacation rental hosts

US: ESCAPE Homes, a builder of eco-friendly “tiny homes” has launched the Free ESCAPE Tiny House Program.

Wisconsin-based ESCAPE Homes is looking to partner with anyone with a qualifying property. If an applicant is approved, ESCAPE will deliver and set up one of its award-winning homes as a rental unit on your site, completely free of charge.

Anyone with an acceptable site and good credit is welcome to apply to the ESCAPE Rental Program, which is actively looking to recruit partners with property in urban and rural settings within 100 miles of the top 50 metro areas in the US. A suitable site needs a flat and solid base — the ESCAPE homes do not require a foundation — and preferably access to utilities including power, water and services.

Qualifying partners would manage the tiny house vacation rental over a one-year contract, receiving 40 per cent of the total revenue after any booking, credit card or other rental-associated fees on Airbnb or an equivalent.

While ESCAPE retains ownership of the unit, partners are not allowed to use the rental for personal means unless they book through the rental service. However, partners do have the option to purchase the tiny homes with advance notice.

ESCAPE’s tiny homes are well insulated to stand up to extreme weather conditions and to minimize energy use. While many units have been used as travel RVs, others have also been adapted into stationary weekend retreats and even Airbnb vacation rentals.

“We’ve seen the interest in tiny home vacations soar,” said ESCAPE founder Dan Dobrowolski. “Launching this new program allows us to introduce the vacation experience to more people across the country, while offering our partners a chance to build a tiny business along the way.”

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